| - This location has a 100% record of getting orders wrong. Allergic to tomatoes? Here! Have extra! Every. Freaking. Time.
Then there's the, "Do you want any hot, medium, or mild sauce?"
"No, thank you."
"Great. That will be $11.98 at the window."
...pull up to window... "That's $11.98. Do you want any hot, medium, or mild sauce?"
"No, thank you."
...Brings food to window... "Do you want any hot, medium, or mild sauce?"
So, since they are so fabulously good at screwing up the order every stinking time, I actually check it before I leave the window. Now they're getting more and more sneaky about it. This time the tomatoes were hidden under a layer of cheese. You know, the tomatoes I went out of my way to say please do not put on my food? Yes, those tomatoes.