We used Homejoy around 7 times. The first 2 cleanings were amazing, and then the cleaner we had was moved. The following 5 had 2 no shows, and 1 good clean. We asked the customer service center to assist us in finding out why the quality had dropped off, but they made no effort to give us any comfort.
Some cleans which originally were 3 hours became 4/4.5 hour services, the difference shouldn't be that large.
We attempted to phone the company to ask what they could do to ensure we get a better quality clean, and sat on hold to the most annoying hold music of all time (the jackson 5), and then were rudely answered by a lady who had the phone manner of a prisoner stuck in solitary confinement. Asking what they could do, they made no effort to retain us, even though we always tipped 20+ dollars on 60-80 dollars invoices, and remained loyal to the service.
We have since moved onto a new cleaning service, we we are very very happy with and are happy that this company is in our past. Would not recommend an organization like this that does not care about its customers.
Good riddance.