We were married on April 10th, 2015 at Chapel of the Bells and were/are very happy with our whole package. Keep in mind when booking/planning a Vegas wedding that you get what you are willing to pay for...its that simple. Do your research and have a budget....ask questions. There will be added expenses so expect those, photographs and tips for the driver and minister....expect it at the chapel. These folks are in the business of creating an environment and conducting quick weddings, nothing more, they are not your family/friends, they are cordial and friendly to deal with, but like the rest of Vegas they operate on money. Everything went as planned because it was well planned before we left Michigan. Get the details worked out early on and communicate with the Chapel before you leave home and well before the ceremony. Have fun, be flexible, and understanding and realistic in your expectations
Follow the instructions you receive from the Chapel, and keep in mind.......this isn't your grandma's style of wedding.....its' VEGAS baby!!!!