I'm confused by this place. Wandered in one day to check it out... wha??? where am I?? Am I at Pearson? Because this coffee place feels like a coffee place in an airport. It's that boring, that drab, and has that many "pastries" that look frozen, week old, and are wrapped in cellophane. The decor is just terrible. There are TVs. Oui. And the biggest, weirdest thing? Took me awhile to figure it out.... THIS IS THE FIRST COFFEE PLACE I HAVE EVER BEEN TO THAT DIDN'T EVEN SMELL LIKE COFFEE. It was very disturbing. I wish them well, I'm glad that there is a "local" biz in this spot again, but it doesn't feel local, just plain and generic. Maybe the older people in the neighborhood will like this place? But if that's the case, why not just make it a Tim's?