I suspect they must have changed management recently because some of their prices and their pricing strategy is absolutely predatory. For one item in particular in a two week time span it has gone from $.99 / each to $1.29, $1.99 and up to $2.59. This past Friday (the beginning of a 72 hours ale) I bought 4 @ $.99 each. I was passing by on Saturday and they were up to $1.29 in direct conflict with the sale circular price both on the shelf tag as well as at the register.
I find it very hard to consider going back. I'd like to not have to watch every single purchase to be certain they're not trying to gouge and take advantage of me. Shrimp on sale ? You have to order it from the counter as "shrimp only please, no ice" or you'll get a handful of ice. Just please be straightforward and not have the same gamesmanship that the big supermarket chains practice. Follow the lead of Trader Joes or Costco and you wont lose customers.
And for a while their store on Shea had a wildly defective scale in their favor...
I wrote their headquarters about their pricing practices and they delegated it down to the store manager level. Its not the store fellas, its the management.