I'm from NY, and have visited gay bars in many states in the USA. There is NOTHING in the US that even comes close to the Black Eagle in Toronto. Puritanical bible-thumping Americans would be up in arms. They prefer to have illicit sex in airport stalls while they protest gay rights. Hypocrisy. Not all, but many--mostly republicans. Anyway, back to the Black Eagle. Naked Night was tonight. If you choose to go, you get naked, and socialize. If you are feeling sexual, you go in the back and some very hot encounters can happen. Americans are great at shameless self-promoting propaganda. Get out of the USA for a trip, see how Canada does it better! They even have health coverage for everyone. Granted it isn't perfect, but compared to the apocalyptic state of US healthcare, Canada's healthcare system looks like a gold standard. And Toronto's economy puts that of any US city to shame. Wake up America. Actually, it's too late. Go back to sleep.