Well I was one of the lucky ones.
I had a consultation with Maria (a fabulous sales lady). She explained everything and told me they could start my 1st treatment immediately. She ran my credit and then Told me how they don't currently have a nurse and don't know when they'll get one. She sent me on my way without an appt. I was told they would call me in a couple of days to set an appt. I didn't hear from them so I stopped by exactly 1 week later. I asked about an appt and I was told they have a nurse in training still in Florida. YIKES!! Red flags. I asked if they could look at my file and tell me exactly what my treatments would be. They said nothing was noted. I told them how I was told I need x amount of Botox in several places and juevederm in other areas. They said they didn't have any notes about that. Well they had plenty of notes as to my total cost. I guess I won't be going back. I would like a reputable place. If anyone would recommend someone I would be interested.