When it comes to purchasing something, everyone is eager to help you out but when you have to return an item THIS STORE WILL DO THEIR BEST NOT TO HELP YOU OUT. I had to return a NOTE 7 (That they were eager to sell me) because of the recall and these guys did not want to refund my money. The card i used to purchase the phone had expired so I was using a different card the bank had sent me. These Ass Clowns had the audacity to tell me to call the bank and ask for my original card number and then the told me to go to my financial institution.
I told the Manager (His name is SENI) who is of NO HELP, to return the phone and apply the returned amount as a credit towards my account, his response was ... "You coulda been to the bank and back by now.."
After being at the store for about an hour and then threatening to call both the district manager and then regional manager SENI finally agrees to do as I had asked and credit my account which he should have done from the beginning. His response was that per policy, he had to return the money back to the original card, but the funny thing is if he was so concern with policy then why was he OK with playing obscene music with murder rap lyrics while he was helping me...