I love using uber! I've always had great experiences with the drivers, they always arrive when the app says they will, they're usually as talkative and friendly and you want them to be, and I've always paid a reasonable amount of money. Taking these cars to and from the airport is cheaper, more fun, and more reliable than taking a cab in my opinion. I once got stood up by a cab I called for a trip to the airport, and an uber arrived literally 5 minutes after I call it. I'm not sure what the wait times are for people who live outside of the city, but the longest I've ever waited for one downtown is 6 minutes- and that's any time of the day or night- which is AMAZING!! I've used their promo a lot where my friends have used my code on their first ride, making theirs free and giving me 20 dollars towards my next ride!
Also, they say you don't have to tip and for some reason when I first started taking uber I thought it was some policy like aveda where you're not SUPPOSED To tip- but that's not true. You just can't add it to your card! You can tip your little heart out in cash if you wish to do so!
So far, uber has not wronged me and I will continue to use them until they do