| - Tiny-town meets well-stocked garden supply and country store.
There's a blacksmith, antique shed, organic plant selection, and the country store (sits up on a hill, overlooking fields of plenty. Very Little House). These guys helped me finish my garden, since I bought two of their last pickling cuke plants and a large, happy Dill. After looking for weeks, finding them here made my day. Note: the store and garden supply are different businesses - the guys with the plants run a local organic farm and sell produce both here, during the week, and at the Davidson Farmer's Mkt, yay!
Country store carries a lot of expecteds (pickles and relishes, handmade soaps, baking dishes, raw peanuts, hoop cheese) and some not-so-expecteds (falafel chips, organic mushrooms, bulk grains and beans). Sweet staff, decent prices. The day I visited, there was a huge basket sitting on the porch overflowing with gorgeous, organic cilantro in-flower. For free. Awesome!