Place is alright but a bit run down in some sections. Like most urban areas of Phoenix, Sunnyslope features terrible drivers, spastic bikers/jaywalkers and busloads of single moms. These three combine for a hectic driving experience on pretty much any weekday from 7am-7pm..
Consequently, the proximity of the hospital means there's tons of ambulances carrying the above. Of course, the cops here are too busy being dumb cops to actually take a proactive stance, so they're forced to react. Another shooting last night, this time at 4th Street and Puget Ave. WTF are you retard pigs doing with that police copter anyway? Leave that shit on the ground and get a few more cops out on the street. I won't be leaving my 9mm at home until you dumbfucks fix the crime problems in Sunnyslope or anywhere else in this city.