I hate to write bad reviews, but when you don't make any effort to help a potential customer, it's what you get. I've truthfully never stepped inside one of their stores. I cannot comment on the selection, lighting, or cleanliness of the bathroom. What I can tell you is that I was looking for a particular type of wood and block size. I thought it would be more efficient to email the stores directly rather than drive to their different locations and hope.
I used their website to find the email addresses of the Tempe and Phoenix stores' managers. I sent them identical inquiries explaining exactly what I was looking for. That was on 2/10/16 and 2/11/16 respectively. I have yet to receive even a "thanks for the inquiry".
I won't sit here and make claims that they were rude or ripped me off. That didn't happen. I just didn't get the information I asked for from either the local stores. That tells me enough.