i was a little nervous when i first started the process, make sure you have all day to get the initial paperwork and physical completed, because you will be there for a while, but it is with great dedication that the time is taken to make sure things are done to federal regulations. my first attempt ended in not being able to get a donation due to an issue possibly with my veins. so i waited for the correct amount of time and went back at which time i had to do a new physical which was no problem until their computer system went down in the middle of collecting my signature, which ment i had to go back another day and redo the physical. i have to say that everyone was extremely apologetic and supportive. i went back the next day and completed everything again and was able to make my donation. if the employees at this facility had not been as apologetic as they were i wouldn't have gone back. so to the staff of CSL Plasma and especially the MSA's i want to say thank you.