I've known of 7-Eleven since back in the day when it actually opened at 7am and closed at 11pm, and so I must admit that in all my years, I've never seen (or known of) a 7-Eleven that has been as consistently efficient, clean and professional as this one. It really is the best run 7-Eleven I've ever been to and it's been that way consistently since it reopened about 8 years ago. (It used to face the North/South street and now it faces the East/west Street; Sahara. A wise move).
Along with things one can usually count on a 7-Eleven to provide, the thing that I noticed that makes this stand out is the fact that it is always well staffed and well stocked. I have yet to go into that store at anytime of day or night (and trust me, I w done them all) and run into any employee that is uninspired or complaining or slow. Clearly that is a practice that starts at the top and gets passed down. I must say kudos to the owners and management of this particular
My 7-Eleven
Oh thank heaven, for MY 7-Eleven!!!