Giant beds (Giant enough to sleep my 6'2 honey) and my tornado tossing (4'11) self. YEAY!
The rates seemed reasonable, the slots were verrrrrrrry giving (Woot!) and the unlimited "Hoe-Garden" Beer for $7.00 dollars.. deliciously sweet.
The bartender (older gentleman) in the shady/forest looking bar was by far the nicest bar tender in Vegas.. always ready to refill my glass ASA and always with a smile. Thank you sir, you made my smoked filled visit to Vegas worth the second hand lung cancer. :0)
The bathrooms are nice, large shower (Not Wynn large, but that is just in excess.. why have a bathroom so large it could double as another room??!?! For entertaining while you are on the "throne"? No thanks) and the towels were soft and fluffy.
I love the giant rednecky Bass Pro Shop inside :) Love the giant fish tank with the "Mermaid".. really cute.
Overall nothing too swanky, but off the strip.. no loud drunk A-Holes waking you up @ 2AM. and just a hop and a skip into Vegas for the bright lights and debauchery.