Oh how I love being treated like livestock by the government. Favorite thing ever. Despite the typical attention you would expect from a place that's run like the MVD (or really any government establishment), the Phoenix Social Security Administration really wasn't too terrible. Arriving before noon is your best bet and bringing a book or something to do while you're waiting is highly recommended, considering you'll most likely be there for at least an hour. Getting there early also helps you to avoid having to sit near an abandoned dirty diaper or someone with 3 young kids running around unsupervised. If you have a bag, they will search it, but I wasn't treated like a potential terrorist (see: TSA), so I can't complain. The lady who helped me was relatively cheerful, and answered all my questions without giving me attitude. Much like a doctor's office, I found the wait and the dread of what was to come to be the worst part; once the procedure was finished, I was glad I wouldn't need to return any time soon, but also quite pleased that it was relatively painless.