Went in the beginning of December to see Julie for sclerotherapy treatment. It was the scariest experience, I've ever had. Every injection was painful. She said it was normal and just think of it as "its working ". When I woke up the next morning my left calf was burning. I noticed a blister had popped. I would post the picture but, it's really bad. I have pictures from day one until now. When I went in to follow up Julie said I don't remember doing that spot! She also stated I've never seen that before.. until she looked closer she said it looked awful took a piece of gauze and cleaned the outside of my skin not even cleaning my wound! The medical assistant said she would need to send out a culture. Julie didn't even do that. I asked how to care for the wound she said don't clean it or cover it. But.. to apply eye drops to the wound. (TimoloI) I was confused she said it works trust me.. I asked her how this happened? She stated She probably missed the vein. The eye drops caused it to get worst and red and sore I had a big black spot the size of a silver dollar. To make a long story short. I went to my primary care and was sent to the ER and was treated for Cellulitis. I was given antibiotics through an IV my primary care gave me an injection of antibiotics, total of 2 on two separate visits. I was 2 different antibiotics for 3 weeks. I left a message for Julie to call me back she called me and I explained the severity she asked me to come in I refused. I feel like my situation would of been a lot better if she sent me to the ER. For proper care. The manager was supposed to call the next day I also received a message. She called me days later. I was refunded for the visit I had to ask for it. Julie never called me to follow up. Bad service I will Have this scar forever.