Be very careful spending your money here! The products are lovely but do NOT hold up to what they say when they sale them to you. I spent close to $1700 I products on March 23,2015! The sale person told me over and over how long the supply would last! Each product was sold to me as a 1- 1/2 year supply! I RAN OUT of the Serum last night, having used strictly as instructed! She even wrote her instructions on the box! One pump a night, less than a pea size! Two of the other products I purchased have a pump and I can see how much is gone! I have already used 1/4 and can tell those products will run out at about 6-8 months! And those were supposed to be a 1 1/2 year supply. I consider myself a savvy consumer and this is the biggest rip off I have experienced in my life!