| - Though its a 5 star company, this particular store is really only 3 stars. So average it out to be 4. I came to this store believing its similar to the amazing store on Dundas WEST. This one has great quality items but the selection (aside from the deli) is pretty limiting. Plus the crowds here makes you feel like you're doing a live version Mario Kart: Starsky edition. The store layout requires you to dodge and maneuver or you'd get slammed by a Polish grandma and her cart.
I love the Starsky in west Mississauga. Nothing but love for that place. This ... Not so much. When you first walk in, you notice how small this place is and the layout is really constricting upfront. You're confronted with the cashiers right at the door and this tiny tiny walk area off to the right to get into the store and fresh vegetables. The walk is barely enough room for a cart. Start dodging cause half the people here are ramming through while others do their best impression of a human pylon.
All vegetables and fruits are top quality but selection is REALLY limiting. It's ok for basics but there's maybe only 9 types of fruit? Plus all of these are pretty expensive. It's definitely priced higher than Longos and Loblaws.
You go towards the back and there's a small tiny freezer area for frozen seafood. There's no nice fishmonger like the Dundas West store. Only a small refrigerated prepackaged fish section. Just left of this area is the star of the store. The biggest deli I ever seen for a store this size. Any and every possible deli or cheese you can think of, it's here and in multiples. This deli is bigger than most fresh butcher sections of the big box grocery stores. It's staffed with about 8 people and they cannot keep up with the demand. It's really impressive. Everything from 7 types of prosciutto to smoked halibut to 10 types of fresh cheese to 6 types of smoked Gouda.
This store also carried the biggest snacking section I've seen for a small store. About 4 full aisles are filled with cookies, crackers, chips, candies, and more candies, it's amazing because all of it is from Europe and I want to eat it all.
There's also a lot of choices of juice, coffees (omg there's probably 20 types of Eastern Euro coffee brands with several coffee bean types each!) and jams. I just stood in the aisle overwhelmed by the choice and doing an impression of the human pylon.
The freezer section made me laugh because they had at least 4 large vertical freezers filled with perogies. Bacon and cheddar, bacon and potato, bacon cheddar AND potato! I never knew you could have so much choice.
Overall, it's a cute little store that does deli and snacks very well. I need more seafood, fresh veg and fruits in order to make this on my grocery store rotation. That being said, I'd always pop in if I'm in the neighborhood so I can do my version of the human pylon in the snacking aisles.