Whenever I visit my mom and we eat somewhere close to Yonge and Steeles, this is a usual destination after we eat. Even though I have a full stomach, I still can't resist the urge to do a bit of impulse buying.
Organic and naturopathic foods are significantly more expensive at places like Noah's as an example, especially when comparing against offerings at the major chain grocery stores. I've found Ambrosia prices to be a lot cheaper than those of other health food stores. They are also among the largest I've been to so they've also got a great selection.
Although lineups can get busy at checkout time, I've found the wait not too long as they have five cashiers and one express line.
The only possible inconvenience is parking. They are located at a curved part of Doncaster Ave. that creates an odd shape for their parking lot. I've seen cars get confused when trying to navigate and park at the west park of the lot, even bump into other parked cars. I prefer the north part as it is a bit more straightforward. Thank goodness for the additional parking.