| - Was here 10 months ago. It was OK. Nice to sit outside and enjoyed the peroni beer. The pizza was ok. The olives were *gasp* from a can. But decided to return since it was nice weather and we wanted to dine outside.
Note, there sign that says 'see waitress for seating.' There was no line and an open table outside, and bustling waitresses walking around, so we took a seat at a table. After 10 minutes of the waitress walking by our table, never making eye contact. I politelyn asked, 'are you our waittress?' She scowled , asked us if we checked in with the hostess. We said we had not. She sighed, said, 'ok, but next time check in,' never smiled or said 'welcome' or 'how can I help you,' or even 'hello.'
Needless to say, we left and went to piccolo forno, where they are kind and welcoming and make good pizza.
We will not be returning.