| - It's a place that is easy to both love and hate. On one hand they have some unique academic programs and great professors, but you'll probably have to slog through lots sub-par classes before you get the good classes.
Business is one of the "better" colleges, but you wouldn't know if from the lower level classes. My least favorite class ever was an upper level econ (econ is technically in LAS even though business people spend plenty of time in the department) class that was taught by a TA who not only didn't speak very good English, but who also gave really harsh tests. The first test average was a 64% and there was no curve. Grading is harsh here! Lots of people repeat classes. I also have plenty of bad things to say about accounting and finance classes, but it depends on the class I guess.
LAS is the catch-all college that gets shafted a lot. Many of my lectures were too big and in auditoriums were literally falling apart. Contrast that with the much-funded engineering college's glittering shiny collection of brand new giant buildings. Oh well.
ACES, my college, is a bit of a catch-all college as well, but some of the majors are quite small. I've had my smallest and favorite classes in ACES. For development and other niche economics specialties this is the place to be and undergrads get lots of attention. It also has top-notch programs in other aggy stuff ranging from food science to animal science. I adore most of my professors I have had in this college. The only downside is that ACES has tended to attract some less than bright students in the past and has some programs within it in need of reform, but I'm sure that is true in many UIUC colleges. I recommend ACES, but only if you are truly interested in the curricula.
I would note that I skipped all gen-eds and a lot of ugly giant lower level classes thanks to APs and placements tests. If you can do that, it is worth it, because the upper level classes are where you can really enjoy academics. The lower level classes seem to be purposefully soul-crushing, with harsh curves, unintelligible TAs, and professors who just read off powerpoints. 101 classes are where learning goes to die. I basically did well on them by memorizing lectures off flashcards, a sad way to "learn" if you ask me. Don't be afraid to switch classes if you get a bad feeling on the first day. I did that a lot and it was worth it for the English-speaking TAs.
I am personally not a fan of the Greek system, which welds a little too much power here. The drunken anti-intellectual environment can be stifling if you don't find a niche. Allen Hall is the place to be for anti-Greeks/hippies/outsiders and it has the bonus of small lower level classes often taught by people who actually care. Avoid the isolated residence halls like PAR and FAR, go six-pack only if you are Greek-ish, and ISR is the place to be for engineers and other assorted people who want to live near the science and engineering buildings. Dorm food is a mixed's mostly just inexcusably bad, but most people don't seem to notice because they think fries and hot dogs= acceptable lunch.
I like the Chambana area, even if it has some minor annoyances. Ill-kept frat houses and a bizarre lack of on-campus grocery stores mar it, but otherwise it was easy for me to find restaurants to eat at and assorted drunk-free places to hang out. However, I can think of about ten major cities where I'd rather live.
The weather here is horrible. In the summer you scald and in the winter you freeze, so pack your snowboots and your short-shorts.