This particular location used to be Just Desserts, right before they went bust. The location is right by the waters, where the rich yacht boys roam about. There are a lot of trendy-wannabe restaurants in the area, along with an unusual high number of tanning salons. I think you get the demographics.
The restaurant can seat up to about 50 customers and is setup in a very typical diner style, with addition of big windows all around. As far as cleanliness goes, it is not dirty, but not spotless either.
Food is very standard, but nothing really stands out aside from the thick crispy bacon. Everything else was pretty forgetful. You probably would never crave this place for breakfast... just one of those places you go to and fill up.
Just like the food, the staff is neither friendly or disgruntled. Standard issue service here ("I wonder how many hours left until home time"), and a couple reminders were needed for coffee refills.
Prices are about 30-40% less than Cora's; about $10 per person should suffice, depending on your appetite.