I never got the whole parrot head thing. You don't need an island to be a hopeless drunk. Nevertheless, assuming you find some solace in a Hemingway like ocean experience, you won't find it at Margaritaville. This place is as plastic as they come. The huckster t-shirt trinket store upon entering screams tourist! It all goes down like the Lusitania from there. Let's start with the beer selection. Oh that's right, there really isn't a selection. You can have boring beers or the equally boring Landshark. My wife and I tried the peel and eat shrimp. How bad could it be? Well it was bad. Over cooked for starters and served with runny no taste cocktail sauce. We headed for the lifeboats on that and avoided the main course. I give this place until the weather turns in November. Then it will be boarded up like a beach house in the keys during hurricane season.