Visited FSE during a break from jury duty. A panhandler approached with, "Can you help out a one-eyed veteran?" Naturally, I glanced at his eyes. One was squinted shut. He might have been missing an eye or he could have krazy-glued it. "Here's my eye," he said with a grin, holding out a glass eye in the palm of his hand. I couldn't help but laugh. Gave him a couple bucks.
Along came another veteran in a wheelchair rigged with a donation bucket. "I keep telling him not to take his eye out, but he won't listen. It creeps people out. How would you like it if I took my leg off?" I resisted the impulse to look at his legs. A couple bucks went in his bucket.
My friends in LA complain about aggressive panhandlers. At FSE the panhandlers are comedians.
Good thing it was only a short break. Visiting FSE can get expensive.