Friends dragged me here for the gun show.
Parking is on a large grassy area with little organization and no direction from attendants. You're just hunting for a spot all on your own. Make sure you park "legally" and that you leave enough room in case someone doesn't know what they are doing any manage to block you in.
Long queue for paying the entrance charge - note that there are multiple ticket windows and you may be able to move from a long line to a shorter one where the lines break up.
The gun show took place across three structures with an open area in the middle for the smokers. Not recommended if you're at all claustrophobic and don't handle crowds well. Why the fire marshal allowed this sort of tightly packed humanity I don't know. If there were a panic, look out! Signage could be better pointing the way between the buildings.
For the gun show at least, there was some security. Anyone carrying an openly displayed firearm had it inspected and secured. Signs were posted prohibiting loaded firearms, but there was no magnetometer checking.