Got sushi rolls a number of times - very good (not the very best in town, that would perhaps be the expensive Yellow Fin or Kamakura but better than at KoFusion) and cheap, but only at lunch - evening is a lot more expensive!!!
The menu is quite complex - many dishes from multiple Asian cuisines, but I'm always getting sushi. I once tried a Chinese dish - General Tso Shrimp - and it wasn't good... WAY too much sugar in the sauce, as if saying "you guys have no idea of Chinese food, we have to fill you up with excessively sugary sauce"
Real sushi, real cheap, and very good (while perhaps not the ideal of everyone). Ratio price:quality when it comes to sushi AT LUNCHTIME, very good.
I was served on different occasions by two waiters: the slightly overweight guy is smart and serves well, but a young lady is pushy and speaks AWFUL English - I'm not being mean here, she really can't answer any question you're asking about a dish in the menu and she doesn't even realize she can't understand and becomes rude.