This is the spot on the strip where the Black hip-hop crowd goes. Its got some beautiful/cool women and some straight HOODRAT hoochies. I got a bad hangover my first night cuz I REFUSED to get shook down for 6 bucks for a water. In retrospect, the $6 was not worth the hangover I had the next day, but come on, you aren't go lose much profit if you give away free glasses of water. I met some really nice women in here, but too bad I'm not down for the long distance thing.
If you wanna kick it, come here. If you wanna be seen, or like running around screaming your headoff while holding hands with your barely 21 year old girlfriends, then go somewhere else.
On a unrelated note...while walking here the first night, I saw a man wearing some girl Ugg boots. He was just a normal guy wearing girl Uggs...I had to do a WTF double take. After a quick google search, I learned that there are guy Ugg boots...but he was clearly wearing the girl ones. I hope he was from another country and just didn't get it.