| - When my sister and I were little, we used to rebel against the very idea of a thrift store. We hated the smell (you know, the one that reminds you of visiting a nursing home) and were horrified by the thought of wearing something someone else had worn.
To this day, I'm still not thrilled by the idea of hand-me-downs from an unidentified stranger. That being said, my husband and I stumbled upon the every other Saturday 50% off sale at the Goodwill on Camelback and have been pretty excited about going back since. We were in this part of Tempe this morning, saw this location, and realized that it was not only a much bigger location than the Camelback one but also that it was again 50% off Saturday.
We didn't spend long here--there's that smell, after all--but we did come out victorious. For $40, we emerged with two *huge* house plants for $7.50 each, a gorgeous silver pot/vase for $5, 3 sun dresses for me at $3.50 each and a t-shirt for $2.50. Once I wash the clothes with my own detergent, all I'll remember is that I would have paid $100 or so for these items anywhere else.
If you can get past the physical and psychological barriers to buying used clothing, you might find some really cute and cheap items--and score yourself some deals on home decor items. And, as you can imagine, the foray into used-goods land feels all the more worth it when you go on a 50% off Saturday and get the stuff for even cheaper.