I've always wanted to like this place way more than I do. I was there even before its official opening and I've spent many an evening there until the wee hours. I've partaken of their over 35 different burgers (and really, shouldn't that be 35 different toppings?) and they're fine.
It is a family-run business which is a great thing to support, but sometimes the staff can go from the polite to the impertinent. There were attempts to bring stand-up comedy to the upstairs room (which would definitely suit an event) but there was no publicity or even a sandwich board or flyer in the bathroom to indicate that comedy would be performed. It typically finished in tears. Admittedly it is a quaint spot and I have enjoyed many of my moments there, but it appears to be consistently inconsistent.
On their website they have a related link to TorontoBrides.com and DiscJockeysUnforgettable.ca. So they get a lot of wedding traffic now, do they? Must be the burgers.