Disappointed. The past three meals at this restaurant have garnered this one star review. For some reason, management does not have an issue with the staff washing the floors with bleach prior to opening. We arrived 2 hours after the restaurant opened and the smell of bleach/ pinesol was overwhelming. Courteous to my date and eager to use my Groupon, we agreed to try and get past the smell. (need I mention that last year my sister and I were finishing our dinner when staff began to mop the floor around us with the same pungent bleachy solvent?) I can, maybe, overlook this sort of thing in a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that has garnered the rep for having awesome food, but on West 6th?)
As for the sushi, we were sorely disappointed. One of our 'big' rolls was topped with tuna so old it was stiff and chewy. Lost of trust in a sushi restaurant is a big deal since it is raw food we are consuming after all.