What a total lack of responsibility!
My 10 year old saved and saved to buy his 1st aquarium. We took our time and got the tank stable and happy. We purchased a couple of fish at this store last Friday. They died the 1st day, and then the rest of the fish all died of a horrible fungus within a few days thereafter.
We went to our usual store on Gilbert and Germain where we explained what happened. Mary (the Manager) and Stephanie, were fantastic. They explained that the fish we purchased probably had a bacterial infection. When I told them that the sick fish came from their other store, they explained that there was nothing that they could do, and called the other store. The Manager on Chandler Blvd told Stephanie that they would not do anything for us. They also made it very clear that the infection most likely came from the new fish.
I want to commend they staff at Gilbert and Germain. They were very kind and understanding to my son, and warn everyone NEVER to buy fish (or anything else) from the Petsmart on Chandler Blvd and the 101! The sell diseased fish and take no responsibility for their actions.
My son learned a hard lesson about customer service, responsibility, and integrity and is looking forward to sharing his experience with all who will listen!
Again.. DO NOT buy live animals at the Petsmart on Chandler Blvd and the 101!