| - I'd say more like 3 1/2 stars would be accurate.
I wanted to watch my NY Football Giants on Monday at a bar, so I convinced my brother-in-law to meet me here as I thought it was 1/2 way between our respective homes. It was not, 25 min trip for me, 15 for him. No big deal, my sisters ended up joining us too for a little while, and us girls split 20 wings since they were $.45 each on Monday nights. You can order them in any denominaton, the server said you could get 2 if you wanted, that's weird I would never order 2 wings. They were decent, but they were fried and I haven't had wings that were deep fried in a while and I prefer them to be grilled or smoked now.
Our server was pretty good for the majority of the night, but for the end of the 3rd quarter and most of the 4th she was no where to be seen. And all I wanted as I nervously watched the game start to change, was one more delicious Guiness!! She finally came around and I got my drink, but still, nobody likes to be kept waiting so long for beer.
A while after my sisters had left and my BIL devoured his own order of wings, we got some more food. He went with nachos, I went with the Black Forest sandwich, with no bacon or ham. But I think they left off the cheese too, no big deal. The pretzel roll was soooo good, it was soft and warm. I could have ate it on its own, but the turkey, lettuce, tomato and honey mustard were all great on it. I opted for no side as I wasn't really that hungry, so the sandwich alone hit the spot.
Overall, besides the Cowboys fans that I was ready to jump after the beginning of the game, it was a solid option for a sports bar. Plenty of TVs, good bar food, reasonable prices and plenty of drink specials daily. I've been to the University and Uptown locations as well, and they seem to be pretty standard all around.