this is always the must make a stop at while I'm in Vegas. why? because its FREE! it's always breathtaking and just amazes me how they put everything together. if you're from so. cal then its kind of like the rose parade. that would be my best explanation.
i finally went to Vegas after like 3-4 years and made a stop here. they had the lunar new year [I'm not saying Chinese new year because not only Chinese people celebrates this day; so to be politically correct its LUNAR NEW YEAR] display and well it was the first time i felt truly disappointed.
I'll be honest the displays of the Asian kids just looked so weird and awkward. I'm allowed to say this because I'm Asian! i didn't feel like it truly depicted our accents and uniqueness about us. it looks more like: stereotyped. that's why I'm giving it 3 stars.
on another note, the dragons were cool. i was in and out of here in like 10 minutes when usually its about 20 minutes and then some. it wasn't as breathtaking this time around. i see people posing with the statures and half of me couldn't decide if they were mocking the statures or just simply enjoying themselves. i would say that if you're looking at this exhibit for lunar new year at night looks better than during the day. because of all the extra lighting that is involved at night.
everything is made out of flowers so that's definitely something amazing about it. overall, this particular exhibit theme was just eh for me. i hope next year if they decide to do another lunar new year they'll make some changes.