Always love Portillo's beef and Chicago style hotdogs but while in the area stopped by this location and wanted something different. Tried the lasagne. Not doing that again! Close to 10 bucks with tax I got a bowl with a lump of pasta literally swimming in sauce, I mean it floated! I told the guy I didn't order chili and he just shrugged and pointed to some parmesian sprinkle cheese, as if that would make it authentic. I almost spilled the sauce as I walked to my table asit slopped from side to side. Topping it off; a 2x2 piece of bread with a hardened butter packet. You'd think with all those lovely Italian rolls for the beef, they could spare a little more than the butt. It then dawned on me, this is what they cut off before making their signature Italian beef. Pity! I'd suggest sticking with the signature instead of scribbling something and calling it lasagne. Don't waste your $$$. Get a BIG BEEF and let it dribble down your arms as you delight in its grandeur.