I could have driven to Laughlin in the amount of time it took to see the doctor.
I rushed from my job across town to make my 4 o'clock appointment on time only to wait for 1 hour and 40 minutes in the waiting room. At the hour mark, I asked the receptionists if it was going to take as long as it did the last time I saw the doctor, and they told me it probably would.
The appointment was to go over my results from some blood work from two weeks ago. The doctor talked to me for 5 minutes or so. Our conversation felt like it could have happened over the phone (and without the extra co-payment).
He found one abnormality in my results and said he'd like me to go back to Steinberg Imaging and that he'd like to meet up again to go over the results. I asked if it would take as long to see him as it did the last two times. He apologized and said he could go over the results on the phone. Then he leapt up and told me he'd be right back and he left the exam room. A few minutes later, his assistant came into the room with a referral for Steinberg and said, "the doctor would like to see you again in a month."
I grabbed the paper and walked away knowing I would not be coming back.
The search continues!