I have very mixed feelings about this place. The staff can be rude- sometimes youre stuck standing around not knowing who to talk to while the staff chats with their friends - which you cant tell apart. Sometimes, youre greeted by someone right away.
Their staff turn around here is..alarming. I've never had the same piercer twice. When I ask about ____ who did mine (or a friends ) last time, they will say they no longer work there - this has happened with 3 or 4 different piercers, all within a year.
I got my vertical labret pierced here a year ago, and it was wonderful. The girl who did it was sweet,and spent a solid 20 minutes making sure it was at a proper angle - asking me to make different facial expressions to see how it would sit.
My navel was a whole other experience. The girl (Ash i believe?) was rushing us, and not very nice. she marked it and didnt give me a chance to check it out in the mirror - which ended up being VERY crooked. She also pierced it too deep(length wise), and the jewelry she put in was subsequently too short and has made healing extremely difficult. I had to go through the (painful) experience of getting it changed at another shop. She also was quite offensive when I asked why she wasnt using clamps. She said "GOOD piercers dont need clamps, and a GOOD piercer knows theyre dangerous." Like she was insulted i had asked. Sorry, but all of my other piercings at this shop had clamps used so I was confused?
Overall very hit and miss. I have a perfect vertical labret from them, and a crooked too-tight navel.