I went here on wing night, the wings werent the best, but they're cheap so whatever... The drinks... Yet again, not worth as much as they charge, I found the pop was really flat... I stuck around and got sorta drunk running towards the end of the night (like 2am). And we were among the last to leave... This is where things went downhill. There's myself, my friend and a group of skinheads who apparently seem to know people who work there or something... they approached me and asked if I was interested in having relations with not just one of them but ALL of them. I left the bar and they followed me to my car... I was extremely uncomfortable and because of this last experience, I will never go back. And yes, I know that has nothing to do with the pub itself, just a warning to other women that if this is the tye of clientelle going there. Count me out! (didnt rate the pub on this, just on the wings beer and service)