| - After learning that over 60% of reviewers here took coupons off groupon, wagjag, dealfind, etc. and learning that many reviewers have succumbed to food poisoning at this restaurant, I am less inclined to go try this out myself. I receive regular "deal e-mails" and Sushi Kai has been on the list since this summer (and summer was since I joined these e-mails - so God knows when they've started to promote via discount coupons). Today, I got another promotion offer from Sushi Kai via Wagjag or Groupon and so I decided to check this place out on Yelp. Lo and behold, the ratings were horrible.
First off, food poisoning should never happen to anyone at a restaurant. That is horrible and disgusting and this restaurant should really take into consideration these reviews because on one page, reviews re: food poisoning have been listed MULTIPLE times. I may actually think I will report this restaurant to the Public Health of Canada.
Second off, people who complain that this is mediocre sushi - I guess unfortunately in this case, "you get what you pay for". There are lots of great locations serving Japanese food albeit expensive (check out Aoyama, Guu Izakaya, etc.). Reviews are raving in those restaurants.
Third and finally, Yelp is important. Check it out before you go somewhere. Never trust a restaurant offering a voucher unless you go on Yelp or Trip Advisor first. Reviews are important!