Wow, what an awful, awful experience. I thought it was going to be nicer than it was but man, probably one of the worst public events I've ever been to. Wish we didn't have to pay for it.
Let's see, there was candy at every balloon, but most handed out one piece of cheap 99-cent store candy (think: Dubble Bubble, the tiny tootsie rolls, etc.). That would've been fine if this was a free event, but it was 10 bucks (plus fees) a person to get in! I don't know if the Balloon folks buy their own candy or not (they shouldn't), but someone should have provided them with better candy with the prices paid.
It was ridiculously crowded and just so poorly executed. Parking was a nightmare to get out... I think it took us about 45 minutes, with 30 of those minutes just sitting in one of the parking rows in line waiting to even enter the main exit lane.
Never again.