An OK way to spend a mid-afternoon. My free tickets were about to expire. We wished it had been a little warmer (3rd week of October) so we could've sat at the top outdoor section but no problem sitting indoors.
We were the last people on board so the second floor was already packed. That's the only area that serves alcohol although you can take an order from there and bring it to the third or first floor.
The ride itself is fine but we were kind of done with the whole thing after 30 minutes. Only thing I would change is how unbelievably annoying the automated tour guide's voice was. Its voice was so nasally and loud that I just tuned it out for the whole trip. Imagine Bob Costas holding his nose while reading the encyclopedia out loud after an 8 day coke binge. Can't they put all the info in a brochure and pass it out??
Lunch is an option for passengers but I think eating beforehand would be a better option judging from what we saw of others meals.