There is not too much to say that hasn't already been said about this dive bar institution. NO FIREARMS sign at the ID entrance is funny. We noted a very diverse crowd ranging from hard core regulars, bikers, frat guys, business guy and some girls that wanted to be talked to and some that did not. I went to drink and the drinks are strong and cheap. I would rather drink in the shade on the patio versus inside. I will be back in the future...perhaps to see the Christmas lights. However, there is one thing that needs to change...the claustrophobic urinal in the men's restroom that smells like the worst carnival outhouse you have ever been in...actually an improvement may be to place some outhouses on the dirt/gravel parking lot. They may need to post a NO TIPPING sign on them. LOL If you havent been to Coach House you havent been to Scottsdale.