It's a no kill shelter so it's hard for me to hate.... BUT.....
The S.P.C.A. used to have it so that you could walk through the back where all of the dogs are (LIKE MOST SHELTERS DO) and look at all of the available dogs. The changed it about a year ago so that you can only see the dogs through the pictures online or on the album placed at the front counter. Why? I don't know. It slows down the process of seeing dogs big time and also doesn't this lower the adoption rates? Some dogs just aren't photogenic and you're taking away their chance to shine through personality. It's hard to "judge" a dog by just a picture and it sucks having them pull out a dog from the back and having to say no after realizing the dog was bigger than you expected or had a different personality than you were looking for.
Cats are still all in the 3-4 rooms. You're free to go in and look/play with them. Nothing has changed there!