The organization of the office is poor, at best. The medication my daughter was on has very specific, government regulated requirements and involves monthly blood draws and follow up appointments, etc. Multiple times, they failed to take that into account and scheduled appointments too early only to be realized when we showed for the appointment.
Then, they failed to update (or give us a new order) for the blood draw, causing more wasted time and unneeded episodes of taking my daughter out if school only to find out after much time has been wasted.
The providers were good, but the disorganization of the office staff prompted us to find a new office.
They make you sign paperwork that you will be charged a fee for missing appointments, but the office seems to have no regard for the time wasted because of their errors- maybe I should send THEM a bill for "missed appointments" (appointments WE showed up for, but rescheduled by them, because if THEIR scheduling oversights...).