The Tommy Lama show is hands down the BEST Comedy showcase in Vegas. This show will have you laughing hysterically for an hour plus. There is a host, an opening act, and then the man himself takes the stage with the perfect twist of adult humored jokes, off the cuff entertainment, and audience participation! This show is totally different each evening and is a pleasure to take visiting friends and family to...well maybe not grandma if she is easily offended!
*Don't sit in the front row if you don't want to participate!
This show is located inside the LA Comedy showroom at the Stratosphere at 10PM. They also offer an open bar deal for just $20 you get beer, wine, and spirits throughout the show so go a little early to get a good seat and an extra drink.
Tommy even takes pictures with you after the show, so hang out after the show to get a celeb shot with him!