Okay... so who in the hell took away their happy pills... and who is the hell decided that a TSA Clerk or whatever they are called could preach to me about Jesus.
My friend and I had a wonderful 4 days 3 nights stay in Las Vegas at the New York New York. We met wonderful people everywhere we went... we are very easy to get along with... we are funny and fun. We tip well... (very well) we smile A LOT, we say simple things like excuse me or pardon me when we are trying to pass someone or even if someone bangs into us. We got good service everywhere we went... honestly we are easy!!!! So why my rant..
Well thank God this was at the end of the trip. We made it through three security checks... count em 3 a big 3 but when we got to the last little part... 1 min to go before we were able to go to our gate the BITCH and a few other choice words that I have for her was having a very very very bad day.... Like I said... don't take happy pills away from fools who only make min wage... it ain't good... don't give power to fools who only make min wage even a worse idea.... Decided to throw the bins at my friend while she was trying to take off her shoes, plus load her carry on bags into one of those gray trays, and all my friend said was "Please may I have a few moments"... the BITCH wouldn't let anyone else move forward or backwards and made a LOUD announcement that the line was basically being held up because "THIS LADY needs a FEW MOMENTS".... I was appalled and I said "Jesus lady let us go" "you didn't need to hit her".... that's when I got the lecture that I did not accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. WTF..... I told her to not talk to me anymore... and yet she kept talking... again I must add... GIVE the BITCH back her HAPPY PILLS. Soooooo long story short when we finally got through the line to collect our bags and we complained to the Supervisor she said... and I quote... "I know exactly who you are talking about... she has been like that ALL DAY"..... WTF
PS. Don't say Jesus or a form there off to a short Mexican lady at the Las Vegas TSA junction.. just a word of advice from one Yelper to another