I do enjoy a good bar scene but this place is a complete dive. They have couches and chairs in the back that I wouldn't even consider sitting on without someones jacket under me lol it honestly just seems sooooo dirty. I understand there are alot of locals that frequent this place and its that hipster crowd which im totally fine with but this just makes that stereotype of the hipster scene come to light. Its grungy and gross and you just feel like someone is in the washroom doing that nose candy hahaha
but for real the place is an old townhouse so its small as F**K and when we went it was way to overcrowded. every minute someone stepped on my foot and i was in one spot pressed on the wall for 90% of the time. if you like rubbing on people all night and having your toes smooshed then go on a fri or sat night lol, just not my thing. I like to dance at bars and i couldn't even talk to the person beside me. NO FUN