I used to live near here and miss the Phoenix dearly. They are one of the few coffee houses I've been to (and I've been to quite a few) that serve drinks made with Toddy. If you don't know what Toddy is, look it up. Then make some at home. You won't go back.
If you go try the Mocha (iced or hot). This stuff is so the $#@% that my niece actually brought me some when she came for a visit when I lived in Colorado.
If I'm passing through Cleveland, I'm hitting the Phoenix 2x/day while I'm there.
Great local flavor, nice hang-out, support the independents...
I was such a consistent regular when I lived nearby that when they changed their Sunday hours and I commented on it, the owner Phil piped up with, "Jim, do you want us to open earlier?"
Since then the place has changed hands, but the present owner has stuck to the formula that worked so well.