I was at this store on March 31st to purchase an iPhone case as I was by the mobile department I noticed that they offer the next plan with AT&T so Allysa helped me and gave me information about doing the upgrade at their store. She said there's a $50 best buy gift card when I do the upgrade. I had an appointment at the AT&T store in a hour but with her explaining the options I have and having the phone I want in-stock made me stay and do my upgrade it. I am a valued customer, I have the best buy credit card and have made large purchases before especially when you guys have the special financing promotions. As Allysa was processing my upgrade she suddenly tells me the gift card promotion was over last Sunday, I said since you mentioned it to me can you still honor it? She insisted that she cannot because I am only gonna be paying for the tax of the phone. I am really disappointed but since I was there and I missed my AT&T appointment already, I just had her finish my transaction. I spent about $200 total on this visit. I hope your associates gets more familiarized with all the promotions going on even at least just for their department so they don't give misinformation. I am really disappointed with the customer service provided to me by Allysa.