If you are a dancer beware of their schemes. On my FIRST DAY the night time managers (a man & a woman) made me pay for a $10 tee shirt to try and sell to the customers. Cool. I was told if it didn't sell I could return it to them and get my money back. Because of the fact that I was working and to busy to return the shirt to them right away.( only 15 min) They tried to tell me it was to late and I can't get my money back. $10 or $100 it's my money and I'm the one who had to take all my clothes off to make that money, it just seemed very unfair. I'm here to sell dances not Tshirts!! So of course I confronted them about it. And I was not pleased at all with how they were handling it... basically they were saying there's nothing they can do about it so I need to suck it up. But I'm not the one to have ANYONE play with me and especially MY MONEY! So because of my "attitude" they terminated my contract & THEN gave me my $10 back... HOW CHEESY RIGHT?? So DANCERS I would steer clear of this place if you don't want your money to be coming out of your pocket at WORK! Also CUSTOMERS be careful about where you spend your money and who you give it too.. DANCERS MAKE THE CLUB & it's time to start being RESPECTED by these strip clubs that rely on us.!